Rev. Elizabeth Moreau

Jul 15, 20192 min

Passing Thoughts: Our Father’s Children – John 3:5-7

View of a 3d render DNA isolated on a background

Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’”
John 3:5-7

Walking through a parking lot, I glanced over, and at the
car beside my truck were two identical pairs of legs. I thought, “too funny…
must be sisters!” When I glanced up
to see if their faces looked alike, I realized it was a mother and a daughter.
One was loading the trunk of the car and talking, while the other’s head was
bobbing up and down as her eyes rolled. Definitely a mother-daughter

Family imprint is strong, and I don’t think it’s fully
understood. My son and my nephew are a good example. They are seven years apart
in age, with different ethnicity due to marriages, but more importantly, they
grew up on opposite sides of the globe. Inevitably, their time together as
cousins was limited throughout their childhoods and youths. Yet, sometimes, they
look so much alike, it’s disconcerting. Even weirder, they have some of the
same mannerisms, movements, and expressions. Are actions mandated by familial
DNA as physical appearance is?

We are children of God, a truth of enormous importance but
often taken for granted. Although God seems distant from our daily concerns, in
a different world or waiting for us in another place and time, He closer to us than
our biological parents. As physical beings, we can’t imagine that, but the fact
is, to be children of God, we must be born of God. As DNA came from our parents
in our physical birth, God’s “DNA” is passed on to us in our spiritual birth.
Our mystical connection to God is as intimately mingled within us as the air we
breathe that flows through cardiovascular system and sustains our lives.

I wonder if the DNA
of my Father is visible in me? Sometimes, probably, maybe a bit… Not enough,
though. For the likeness of Christ to be seen us, we must always seek His face
and ask for His Holy Spirit. We must be willing to submit to the healing of our
souls and purifying of our hearts. Then, the likeness we share as members of
God’s family will be visible to those around. They will be able to see the
family resemblance.

I pray you look your Father this week… I’m going to seek Him
more myself!

God bless –

Rev. Elizabeth Moreau
